Friday, July 20, 2012

The Set-Up

This is our class blog.  Your first assignment is really easy.  You are going to post a response to this blog which answers ALL of the questions I post below.  Each question should be answered in a sentence.  If you are asking if spelling and grammar matter, well, here's my answer: YES.
A blog is online and anyone can read it.  When I read a poorly written or poorly edited blog, I think the person who wrote it is either lazy, or uneducated.  You are neither of these things.

Here's the questions I'd like you to reply to

1) What is a blog?
2) What is the purpose of a blog?
3) Think of 2 cool ways you would like us to use this blog.  Make sure you support your argument with reasons.
4) List 2 blogs or subjects that you would like to regularly read about in a blog.

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